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5 Best Cities in Albania for Digital Nomads

Thinking about working remotely from Albania? Here’s an honest take on the best cities for digital nomads

If you’re thinking about working remotely from Albania, you’re not alone. More and more digital nomads are discovering that it’s an affordable place to live, with solid internet and plenty of spots to work from.

But not every city is the same, some are better for socializing, others for quiet work days by the sea.

Here’s a straight-to-the-point guide to the best cities for digital nomads in Albania so you can decide where to set up your laptop.

1. Tirana

If you like city life, Tirana is your spot. It’s the capital, the busiest place in Albania, and has everything you need, cafes, Coworking Spaces, restaurants, and a decent nightlife scene.

Internet is usually reliable, but it depends on the provider and where you’re working from. Most places in Tirana have solid connections, but when it comes to internet providers, it really depends on which one you choose; Vodafone, for example, in my experience, hasn’t been the most consistent.

It’s a walkable city; you can easily explore it within 1-2 days, and it makes a convenient base to travel from here to other cities in Albania or even other countries if you’re in for some adventure (especially countries you can visit via direct flights from Tirana).

✔️ Fast and reliable internet.
✔️ Plenty of coffee shops and coworking spaces (Destil, DutchHub, and InnoSpace are solid choices).
✔️ Easy to meet people, locals and expats alike.
✔️ Walkable city.
✔️ Great food scene with local and international options.

❌ Traffic can be chaotic.
❌ Summers are HOT (think 35°C+).
❌ Not the most picturesque city if you’re looking for postcard views.

2. Durrës

Durrës is a coastal city just 30-40 minutes from Tirana. It offers a bit of both the beach and city conveniences, and I think it makes a good alternative to the capital if you’re after a quieter destination.

The rent is cheaper than in Tirana, and overall, the pace of life is slower.

✔️ Beachfront cafes with solid Wi-Fi.
✔️ Close to Tirana, so you can go back and forth easily.
✔️ Cheaper rent than Tirana.
✔️ Good seafood and local markets.

❌ Gets crowded in summer with tourists.
❌ Fewer coworking spaces compared to Tirana.
❌ Some areas are a bit run-down.

3. Vlora

Vlora has beaches, a growing expat community, and plenty of space to breathe. It has some of the best beaches in Albania nearby, plus Llogara National Park is just a short drive away. The cost of living is lower than in Tirana, and while coworking spaces aren’t as common, many coffee shops are laptop-friendly.

✔️ Great sea views and beaches nearby.
✔️ More relaxed than Tirana but still has city vibes.
✔️ New infrastructure and lots of investment in the area.
✔️ Good seafood and local produce.

❌ Not as many coworking spaces.
❌ Can feel a bit quiet in winter.
❌ Infrastructure is improving but still has gaps.

4. Saranda

If you’ve ever wanted to work by the sea, Saranda is another alternative to Vlora for digital nomads. The city itself is pleasant, and it has been under a lot of developments recently, however, it gets too crowded during summer, and it’s too quiet during the colder months.

If you don’t mind a slower pace or enjoy solitude, it could still be a great place to stay year-round.

✔️ Amazing sea views from almost everywhere.
✔️ Close to Ksamil and other beautiful beaches.
✔️ Low cost of living in winter.
✔️ Lots of expats, especially in the summer.

❌ Dead in winter, many places shut down.
❌ Can be expensive during tourist season.
❌ Not many coworking spaces or strong remote work culture.

5. Shkodër

If you like both the city vibe and nature nearby, Shkodër is a lovely city digital nomads and expats like. It’s in the north, near the Albanian Alps, and has a strong, artsy, laid-back vibe. It’s also the gateway to some of Albania’s best hiking destinations, like Theth and Valbona.

✔️ Beautiful lake and mountain views.
✔️ Affordable rent and cost of living.
✔️ Cycling culture, great for getting around.
✔️ Good for outdoor lovers (hiking, kayaking, etc.).

❌ Fewer cafes and coworking spots than Tirana.
❌ Not the most convenient place for flights or travel.

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Abschließende Überlegungen

Albania isn’t perfect, but if you’re looking for an affordable place to work remotely as a digital nomad, it’s worth considering. If you want city life and convenience, Tirana is the best bet. If you prefer the coast, go for Saranda, Vlora, or Durrës. And if you prefer nature and a slower pace, Shkodër is a good choice.

Would you consider Albania as your next digital nomad base? Let us know!

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Sara Alimehmeti

Sara verkörpert die Definition von Kreativität in ihrer Rolle als Inhaltserstellerin in unserem Team. Als albanische Muttersprachlerin konzentriert sie sich auf das Verfassen von qualitativen Beiträgen, meist gut recherchierte Artikel und informative Blogbeiträge. Sie spielt auch eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Erstellung von ansprechenden Beiträgen in den sozialen Medien, um eine gleichgesinnte Gemeinschaft von Albanisch-Liebhabern aufzubauen und sie bei der Stange zu halten. Zu ihren Qualifikationen gehören unter anderem ein von Reuters anerkanntes Zertifikat in Journalismus, ein Sprachzertifikat, ein Praktikum in Bukarest und eine Ausbildung in digitalem Marketing. Wenn Sara nicht an ihrem Schreibtisch sitzt und Inhalte erstellt, kann man sie beim Lesen eines guten Buches oder beim Aufschreiben ihrer Gedanken in ihrem Tagebuch antreffen.

Sie können ihre Worte auch bei Momentum Group, Bulls Media Albania, 112hub und Ajroni finden.

Entdecken Sie Albanien? Fragen Sie Magic AI.

Beginnen Sie Ihr albanisches Abenteuer mit Magic AI, dem innovativen Herzstück von Magic Towns Albania. Unsere KI-Technologie, die in eine umfassende Datenbank integriert ist, liefert Antworten auf Ihre Fragen zum Leben, zu rechtlichen Fragen und zu den verborgenen Schätzen Albaniens.

Mit einer Datenbank, die von Reise-, Umzugs- und Rechtsexperten zusammengestellt wurde, bietet Magic AI Ihnen fachkundige Beratung, ohne dass Sie dafür einen hohen Preis zahlen müssen.

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