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Best Cafés in Tirana for Remote Work

Here are some of the best cafés in Tirana for remote work to note, whether you need a new environment to work or study from.

Working remotely in Tirana?

If you’re a freelancer/digital nomad, or a student just looking for a change of scenery, finding the right café can make a big difference. You need good coffee, a comfortable space, and, most importantly, reliable WiFi.

Here are some of the best spots in Tirana to set up your laptop and get things done.

1. Mon Chéri

Mon Chéri is a popular chain coffee shop in Tirana, with several locations across the city, especially favored by students and remote workers. Overall, the atmosphere here is chill, but it does get crowded, so it’s best if you get there in the morning.

You’ll find a large communal table where people work or study, which is great if you enjoy a collaborative environment. And if you prefer having your own personal space, you can always do that.

2. Mulliri Vjeter

You’ll find Mulliri Vjeter on almost every corner in Tirana. It’s great for remote work because of its spacious seating, affordable coffee and tasty snacks. It can get busy, but if you don’t mind a little background noise, it’s a solid option.

3. Destil

Destil is a mix of a café, co-working space, and cultural hub. It has a relaxed vibe, good coffee, and a creative environment. If you’re looking for a place where you can work for hours without feeling rushed, this is a great spot.

4. Retro Thrift Bar

For something a little different, Retro Thrift Bar has a vintage feel and a laid-back atmosphere. It’s not your typical work café, but if you enjoy working in a more unique setting, it’s worth checking out. The WiFi is reliable, and the seating is comfortable.

5. Antigua Spezialitätenkaffee

If you love high-quality coffee, Antigua is the place to go. It’s a smaller café, so it’s not ideal for long hours of work, but if you need a quiet place for an hour or two, it’s perfect. The staff is friendly, and the coffee is one of the best in the city.

6. Sophie Caffè & Snacks

Sophie Caffè is another well-known coffee chain in Tirana, offering a comfortable and friendly space for remote work. It has several locations, good coffee, and a variety of snacks and light meals. The seating is cozy, and the WiFi is reliable, making it a convenient spot to work for a few hours.

Some Tips

  • If you need absolute quiet, consider going in the morning before the rush.
  • Bring headphones if you don’t like background noise.
  • Some cafés have time limits on WiFi, so check before settling in.

Tirana has plenty of great cafés for remote work, whether you need a quiet space or a creative environment. Try a few and see which one works best for you!

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