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  • Teacher’s Day and Mother’s Day in Albania

Teacher’s Day and Mother’s Day in Albania

March is a special month in Albania because it brings together two heartwarming celebrations: Teacher’s Day on March 7th and Mother’s Day on March 8th. These two days are very special to Albanians, who celebrate every year with gratitude, flowers, and small gestures of appreciation.

March 7th – Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day is celebrated to honour educators and recognize their role in shaping future generations.

But this day has a deeper historical significance in Albania.

March 7th marks the anniversary of the first Albanian school (called Mësonjëtorja), which opened in Korçë on March 7, 1887. At the time, Albania was still under Ottoman rule, and teaching in the Albanian language was strictly prohibited. Despite the challenges, a group of dedicated intellectuals and educators worked in secret to establish the first school where students could finally learn in their native language.

National Museum of Education in Korçë

This was a turning point for Albanian education and culture. The school in Korçë paved the way for the development of a national education system and played a key role in preserving the Albanian language, which was at risk of being lost due to foreign influence.

How is Teacher’s Day Celebrated?

Teacher’s Day is all about showing appreciation to educators. Schools across the country organize small celebrations where students express their gratitude through:

Flowers and gifts – It’s common for students to bring flowers or small presents for their teachers.

Poems and performances – Before, younger students would recite poems or prepare short performances dedicated to their teachers.

Handmade cards and letters – Some students might take the time to write heartfelt messages, thanking their teachers for their guidance.

School events – Some schools organize special gatherings for teachers and students.

March 8th – Mother’s Day

March 8th is celebrated worldwide as International Women’s Day, but in Albania, it is primarily Mother’s Day. This day is focused on honouring mothers, grandmothers, and other maternal figures who play an important role in family life.

The origins of Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient times. In ancient Greece and Rome, people held festivals honouring mother goddesses like Rhea and Cybele. Later, in medieval England, “Mothering Sunday” became a tradition where people returned to their “mother church” and spent time with their families.

The modern version of Mother’s Day was introduced in the early 20th century, thanks to Anna Jarvis in the United States. She wanted a day dedicated to honouring mothers and their sacrifices.

Over time, the holiday spread across the world, including to Albania, where it became widely recognized in the second half of the 20th century.

How is Mother’s Day Celebrated in Albania?

Unlike other countries where Women’s Day has a strong political or activist element, in Albania, March 8th is mainly about celebrating mothers and grandmothers.

Here’s how people typically celebrate:

Giving flowers and gifts – Florists see one of their busiest days of the year, as people buy bouquets to give to their mothers and grandmothers.

Family lunches and dinners – Some families go out to restaurants to celebrate, either for lunch or dinner, and it’s common for the women to celebrate by dancing.

Trip – Colleagues at work or a group of friends might organise a trip to celebrate the importance of this day.

Handmade cards and crafts – Children, especially in schools, often create handmade cards with heartfelt messages for their moms.

In some families, men take on household responsibilities for the day to give mothers a well-deserved break. It’s a time to reflect on the love, care, and sacrifices mothers make every day.

A Special Two-Day Celebration

Because Teacher’s Day and Mother’s Day are back-to-back, these two days create a warm, celebratory atmosphere throughout Albania. Schools and workplaces are filled with flowers and smiles, and it’s a time when appreciation and love are expressed openly.

Although celebrations may change slightly over time, the meaning behind these two days remains the same:

  • March 7th honours the teachers who guide and educate.
  • March 8th celebrates the mothers who love and nurture.

From all of us at Magic Towns, we wish a heartfelt Happy Teacher’s Day to all the incredible educators shaping young minds and a wonderful Mother’s Day to all the loving and hardworking moms out there.

May your days be filled with love, appreciation, and joy!

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Sara Alimehmeti

Sara incarna la definizione di creatività nel suo ruolo di creatrice di contenuti nel nostro team. Essendo di madrelingua albanese, si concentra sulla scrittura di pezzi qualitativi, soprattutto articoli ben studiati e post informativi sul blog. Svolge inoltre un ruolo fondamentale nella creazione di post coinvolgenti sui social media per creare una comunità di amanti dell'albanese che la pensa allo stesso modo e che la tiene impegnata. Le sue qualifiche, tra le altre, includono un certificato di giornalismo accreditato dalla Reuters, una certificazione linguistica, un'esperienza di stage a Bucarest e una formazione in marketing digitale. Se Sara non è alla sua scrivania per creare contenuti, potreste trovarla a leggere un buon libro o a scrivere i suoi pensieri sul suo diario.

Potete trovare le sue parole anche su Momentum Group, Bulls Media Albania, 112hub e Ajroni.

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