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Summer Day in Albania

Summer day in Albania is an interesting tradition that takes place everty 14th of March, to celebrate the upcoming of a new season.

If there’s one day that truly marks the end of winter, that’s Dita e Verës in Albania (Summer Day in Albania).

Every year on March 14th, the country shifts into celebration mode, think music, food, and a lot of sunshine (hopefully). It’s one of those festivals that just feels good. You step outside, and suddenly everyone is in a better mood, the streets are lively, and there’s this excitement that winter is finally behind us.

So, What’s Dita e Verës?

Dita e Verës has been around forever. It started as a pagan celebration in Elbasan, a city in central Albania, and over time, the whole country embraced it. The idea is to welcome the warmer months, shake off winter blues, and spend time with family and friends.

A Bit of History (But I Promise It’s Interesting)

Dita e Verës isn’t just a random holiday. It actually comes from an ancient Illyrian tradition, way before Albania even existed as a country. The Illyrians celebrated the transition from winter to summer by honouring the goddess of nature, fertility, and renewal.

The idea was that winter belonged to darkness and struggles, while summer symbolized life and warmth.

The festival started in Elbasan and has been going strong for centuries. Originally, it was based on the Julian calendar, where March 1st was considered the first day of the year. Over time, the date shifted to March 14th in the modern calendar, but the feeling of new beginnings stayed the same.

The Traditions That Make It Special

Bracelets Called Verore

You’ll see a lot of people wearing red-and-white string bracelets on their wrists. The idea is when you see a barn swallow, you take it off and hang it on a tree. (That’s a very interesting tradition some people have been following for years and years). I remember when I went to Romania, they had a similar celebration called Mărțișor, that marks the beginning of spring and change of seasons.

Ballokume, the Traditional Cookie

Now, let’s talk about the real star of Dita e Verës: Ballokume. This is the traditional cookie of the day. It comes from Elbasan, and if made right, it’s buttery, crumbly, and melts in your mouth. Every family has its own way of making it, but the core ingredients (butter, sugar, eggs, and cornflour) stay the same. You’ll find it in every supermarket and bakery.

A Day to Be Outside

Most people spend Summer Day in Albania outdoors. Parks fill up with families having picnics, kids running around with balloons, and friends meeting up for walks. Even if the weather doesn’t cooperate, people will most likely find ways to celebrate. Tirana’s main square always has events, and smaller towns put together their own festivities.

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Why It’s A Nice Tradition

Dita e Verës is such a simple yet beautiful celebration. You’re not expected to gift anything or make elaborate plans; it’s more about enjoying the upcoming new season and spending time with people you love.

If you’ve never experienced it before, I’d say it’s the perfect excuse to visit Albania in March. Just make sure to grab a Ballokume (or five). You’ll thank me later.

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Sara Alimehmeti

Sara incarne la définition de la créativité dans son rôle de créatrice de contenu au sein de notre équipe. De langue maternelle albanaise, elle se concentre sur la rédaction de documents qualitatifs, principalement des articles bien documentés et des articles de blog informatifs. Elle joue également un rôle clé dans la création de posts attrayants sur les médias sociaux afin de créer une communauté d'amoureux de l'Albanie qui partagent les mêmes idées et de maintenir leur engagement. Elle est titulaire, entre autres, d'un certificat de journalisme accrédité par Reuters, d'une certification linguistique, d'une expérience de stage à Bucarest et d'une formation en marketing numérique. Si Sara n'est pas sur son bureau en train de créer du contenu, vous la trouverez peut-être en train de lire un bon livre ou d'écrire ses pensées dans son journal.

Vous pouvez également la retrouver sur Momentum Group, Bulls Media Albania, 112hub et Ajroni.

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